Alim (Madrasa Board) Result 2012 Bangladesh

The result of Madrasa education Board-Alim examination 2012 and the equivalent result such as HSC ,technical,DIBS would be announced at the last week of July 2012. (Most probably on 23rd or 26th July).You may be examine your individual result in the education board’s internet site. Although around the result publishing day the server usually acquired jammed so there is minor hope to acquire early result by this procedure 
Alim (Madrasa Board) Result 2012
You could be Test by way of SMS. All mobile operators of Bangladesh Assistance this element. It is actually somewhat speedier way. 

Procedure of sms:
Go to message option of your mobile. 
For HSC examinees: HSC<space>First 3 letters of your board<Space>Roll no<space>year and send to 16222.Example: hsc dha 122962 2012; where dha is the first three letters of education board and 131185 is the roll no. Never forget to mention the spaces between board name ,roll no and year. 

For Alim and technical examinees: 
Alim mad rollno 2012 (for madrashah) 
HSC tech rollno 2012 (for technical) 

A outcome sheet is also sent to your respective school, now a days it's a bit easy to get outcome when server is overloaded.All of the student even who live in the rural area could be get the HSC,DIBS,Alim result and marksheet from the online.Just stay keep with us and bookmark the following link-Alim result 2012 Bangladesh.